12th Aug, 2022 Sports

Why Should You opt for Gamification?

Most employees consider corporate training to be boring and repetitive. People's attention ebbs to abysmal depths during most training programs and lack of time just adds to the problem. Videos made a breakthrough momentarily, but with changing consumption habits and shortening attention spans, they too have lost their charm.

This is where gamification comes into play - short, fun, interactive, non-didactic, and personalization are some of the hallmarks of gamified learning. These features help increase comprehension and retention.

Learning is Fun

Generally, most people in the workforce and even in classrooms tend to negatively react to traditional training and instruction methods.

The participants would be continually asking themselves:
  • What they would be gaining from all this,
  • If this was a waste of time,
  • If it was essential and so on…

When gamification is used, participants have fun when learning. They will enjoy, be engaged better and thus increases retention and recall.

Makes Learning Interactive

Gamification makes learning more interactive than a 'Zoom-session' online or a dull traditional classroom-lecture setting. Participants face real-life scenarios/circumstances and must provide real-time solutions or reactions. This creates a deeper understanding of the material or topic and fosters a more realistic approach to learning. In addition, gamification makes it possible to apply it at an individual or group level, as the need may be.

Live Feedback Improves Quality of the Engagement

In a traditional training or teaching setup, feedback is received post-facto, i.e., you get your scores and feedback after your activity or session is completed and later evaluated. However, in a gamified scenario, the participants get live feedback, thus enabling them to make changes or adjustments and ultimately improving the result and absorption.

Change, Improve or Set Habits

Everyone has habits that are counterproductive to learning or at work. Gamification helps change that through various methods, such as repeated retrieval and spaced repetition. For instance, a topic or concept will be split into multiple sessions with intervening time gaps between each session. Studies have proven that this creates more retention, resulting in better retention and behavioural changes.

Appropriate for all kind of Training and Learning needs

A workforce or a classroom will always comprise a motley crowd with different levels of learning, comprehension, motivations, functions, roles, and so on. This means that training or teaching cannot have a one size fits all approach to get optimum results. That's where gamification helps - it can be incorporated according to needs and desired outcomes. It can also be applied at an individual or team level, as the case may be.

Increases Morale, Productivity, and Profitability

A happy employee or student who can grasp concepts better, retain, recall, and apply them directly benefits the organisation or institution. Gamification helps with all of these – inadvertently increasing productivity and profitability. This also improves teamwork, camaraderie, and the organisation that is investing in their success ultimately benefits.

To know more about how you can apply gamification to your L&D efforts, please click here to know more.

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